Health Service Facilities


National Health Professionals Council (NHPC) Mandates and functions include Licensing and accrediting public and private health facilities and monitor quality assurance. According to NHPC Act Lr. 31, Article 24, Section 4, all health service facilities must be registered, licensed, and approved in order to provide health services. Health facilities are required to obtain licenses or certifications from NHPC prior to start of operations. These licenses may be issued based on compliance with specific standards related to staffing, equipment, facilities, and patient care protocols. The Council enacts its Health Facilities Regulation that establishes the standards, requirements and processes for licensing and accrediting of health facilities.

According to Act of the National Council of Health Professionals Lr.31, Article 57, Paragraph 4, the following requirement must be attained prior registration of health facilities.

  • Obtain a valid business license from Ministry of Commerce
  • Have a valid local government business permit.
  • Completing the NHPC Application Form for Registration of Health Service Facilities.
  • Ownership Documents of the Health Service facility.
  • Health Service Facility Profile
  • Copy of previous registration, if the facility was previously registered with the Ministry of Health and Human Services (FMOH).
  • Payment of registration fee.

Article 50, paragraph 1 and 2; Article 57, Paragraph 4 and Article 41, paragraph 3 of NHPC Act (Lr. 31). contains the regulations around registration, licensing, and accreditation of health facilities.