National Health Professionals Council

We Safeguard Health Care and Wellbeing For All

Protecting the

Effective oversight: Responsible Actors

High Quality

Fitness to

What is the NHPC?

The National Health Professional Council (the NHPC) is a national independent body established under Legal Act Lr.31/2020. The NHPC is committed to ensuring patient safety through improving and promoting the quality of services delivered by health professionals, health facilities and health education institutions in Somalia.

Who is Concerned

Health Professionals:

  • Physicians
  • Dentists
  • Nurses
  • Midwives
  • Pharmacists
  • Lab technicians
  • Radiologists
  • Psychologists/psychotherapists
  • Paramedics
  • All professionals providing diagnosis, treatment and clinical care
  • Public Health Professionals

Health Facilities:

  • Public Health Facilities
  • Private Health Facilities

Health Training Institutions:

  • Universities
Our Services

Mandate and functions

Health Professional and Facility Registration & Licensing

Registering, Licensing, Health Facilities and Health Professionals.

Health Profession Integrity Status Promotion

Promoting the integrity and status of the health profession.

Professional Conduct Oversight and Disciplinary Action

Investigating allegations of misconduct and imposing sanctions and penalties.

Health Institution Accreditation

Accrediting Health Institutions.

Health Policy Advisory Services

Advising the MoH, line ministries, and stakeholders on health issues.

Practice Standards Management

Maintaining appropriate practice standards.

Health Professions Advocacy and Development

Representing the development of health professions and promote its interests.

Institutional Links and partners